About the Moyle Lab

We study the genetics and genomics of adaptation and speciation, to understand the mechanisms that create new trait variation and new species. Using both model and non-model organisms, we aim to dissect the complex processes that collectively contribute to evolutionary diversification. Read more about our research here.

Within the broad themes of adaptation and speciation, lab members work on topics ranging from molecular mechanisms of species recognition through to the ecology and genetics of environmental adaptation. Read more about our group members here.
- New preprint out from Hahn lab collaborators—CAGEE, a great new tool for analysis of gene expression evolution—complete with trial run on wild tomato data. Check it out! [Nov 2022]
- Caroline passes her prelims part I! Congrats Caroline! [Nov 2022]
- Leonie’s commentary on life, the universe, and everything (but mostly Westram et al’s recent paper on reproductive isolation) comes out in J. Evol. Biology. Find it here. [Sept 2022]
- Transposable elements and reproductive isolation! Former labbie Dean shows that these are associated in D. virilis, now published in J. Evol. Biology. Read about it here. [Aug 2022]
- Welcome to new labbie Zoe Hert! Zoe comes to us from UKY, and aims to work on genomics of diversification for her PhD. [Aug 2022]
- Caroline hosts Miru for a week of intensive research in the lab, as part of IU Biology's SSRP program for high school summer research. [July 2022]
- The lab goes to Evolution2022 in Cleveland OH …and has a fabulous time! [June 2022]
- Timothy passes his prelims part I! Congratulations Tim! [June 2022]
- Leonie is in the Czech Republic for the 2022 Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics. Read about it here. [June 2022]
- Matt defends his dissertation! Congratulation Dr. Gibson! From here, Matt joins Gencove as a statistical geneticist [May 2022]
- Brooke’s paper on mechanisms of reinforced cryptic female choice in D. pseudoobscura is out now in JEB!! Read it here. [Nov 2021]
- Matt and Leonie leave for field work on the Galapagos, sampling endemic and invasive wild tomatoes. [Sept 2021]
- Matt’s paper on invasion, hybridization, and fruit color convergence on the Galapagos is published in eLife! Read it here. [July 2021]
- Flies, chemistry, and sexual isolation! Jeremy’s final dissertation chapter is now out in Evolution Letters. Check it out! [July 2021]